The 2024 Before I Die Festival will take place in October and November. There will be two days of preview events on October 24 and October 26, and the main festival events take place November 1-4, 2024. The preview event will include tour of the Historic Fairview Cemetery to help raise funds for the cemetery. For more information and registration, please visit this site.
Saturday, October 26, 2024: Before I Die Festival Preview Event
Murder and Mayhem Cemetery Tour
Location: Historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale Blvd. SE, ABQ, NM 87109
1:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. Murder and Mayhem Tour
Wear your walking shoes for this fascinating tour of Historic Fairview Cemetery! Meet some of the “permanent residents” who died because of murder or mayhem. This is a fundraiser for the nonprofit organization supporting the cemetery, founded in 1881. (Register for the festival at the $80 level)