Historic Fairview Cemetery Board Members and Committees


President:  Karen Street, Email: karenstreet2015@gmail.com
Vice President:  Ed Sather, Email:  edwardsather@yahoo.com
Treasurer: Pam Stiebler-Wendt, Email: winnieroute66@gmail.com
Secretary:  Sara Sather, Email: slsather49@yahoo.com


Jolene Ellerton, Email:  jolene.ellerton@gmail.com
Evon Harrison, Email:  harrisonevon@yahoo.com
Lisa Roberts, Email: koi@spinn.net
Janet Saiers, Email: jsaiers@msn.com


John Garcia, Military/Financial, Email:  John.Garcia@sba.gov
Professor Richard Melzer, Historian, Email:  rmelzer@unm.edu
Linda Rockwell, Attorney, Email:  lr@ornlaw.com
Susan Drake Schwartz, Cemetery Management and History, Email:  susanschwartz2012@gmail.com

Committee Leads:

Advertising/Marketing:  Dorean Chaleunphonh
Security – Open – Volunteers Needed!
Cemetery Beautification and Maintenance – Evon Harrison
History – Susan Schwartz, Pam Stiebler-Wendt
Operations and Planning – Chaplain Karen Street